Helping businesses make wiser choices in how water is used

By providing data that is accurate, timely and granular to unlock insights and change behavior


Everyone agrees that water is precious. However, water conservation remains a low priority for many businesses. Most businesses know only how much they spend on water from their monthly bills and very few understand how water is actually used within their facility. As a result, there is often little awareness about where water wastage occurs and how we can use water more sustainably.
iWOW is an Internet of Things (IoT) technology provider that aspires to help businesses make wiser choices with water.  We are one of PUB’s approved vendors for the Water Efficiency Management Program (WEMP) and we offer customers our Pandogrid Wireless Smart Metering solution that helps collect and analyse their water consumption data. Our system is cloud-based and so can be conveniently accessed from any device and can be set to trigger alerts if leaks or unauthorized use are detected.
Using our data, customers have gained invaluable insights into their consumption behavior, which in turn helps them uncover opportunities to reduce waste and move their organizations closer to their sustainability goals. For example, a customer in an international food production company shared that since deploying our Pandogrid system, they were able to reduce their water consumption by more than 10% as a result of recycling the water used to clean their mixing tanks. They added that this initiative did not require significant capital investment but rather it was a testimony to the management principle …  “what you can measure, you can manage”.
Customers who are using Pandogrid include: Coca Cola, Nestle, F&N, Yeo Hiap Seng, Hitachi Chemicals, 3M, Singapore Management University, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital as well as International Plaza, to name a few.
Our innovation lies in the design of our battery-powered wireless communication systems that maximizes ease of installation, reliability and scalability. These are crucial considerations especially when monitoring water consumption as water meters are often scattered across the facility and may not always have access to power supply.
Further, our competitive advantage in water is reinforced by our deep understanding of water conservation analytics that we developed over the past 4 years while working closely with PUB on various Smart metering projects.


Our past projects with PUB

  • Smart metering for domestic water users (ie. homes). This project involved connecting the main water supply meters of 200 homes in Punggol. We deployed a combination of short range  &  technologies in a mesh design transmitting data once  12 hours. Our system has been operational since 2014 and has been instrumental in helping PUB understand the consumption trends of households in Singapore.
  • Smart analytics for water usage in homes. Similar to the above, this project involved connecting the main water supply meters of 20 homes across Singapore. However, this project went deeper as it collected water consumption data once every 10 seconds. With this level of granularity, we were able to map out detailed water consumption “finger-prints” for various appliance in the home (eg. washing machine, shower taps, etc); which created invaluable insights that helped PUB deepen their understanding of how water was consumed within the homes; just from tapping data from the main water supply meter.  But more importantly, the insights from the data enabled the households to make better choices in they used water.
  • Smart metering program for the top 100 non-domestic water users (ie. businesses). This project involved connecting the main supply  water meters to the buildings or factory premises. We used a combination of short range RF & cellular technologies in a star design transmitting data every 12 hours. Our system has been operational since 2014 and has been crucial in helping PUB track the water consumption trends of the our thirstiest businesses in Singapore.